
Promo account - is a virtual account of a registered Buyer, which displays the Buyer's remuneration under the Marketing Plan, additional or one-time charges (in national currency), before the conclusion of a contract for the provision of services, as well as a discount received when placing a “Client Order”, regardless of the existence of the contract.

The total amount of money on the Promo Account is displayed in the Personal Account. 

Money from the Promo Account can be used to purchase mihi products by placing personal orders in the proportion of 65% to 35%. 

Näiteks, teil on oma sooduskontol 10 eurot ja te olete teinud isikliku tellimuse 10 euro ulatuses. Kampaaniakontolt võetakse maha 6,5 eurot ja 3,5 eurot tuleb maksta pangakaardiga ettevõtte veebilehel või kullerile tellimuse kättesaamisel. Ülejäänud 3,5 eurot sooduskontolt saab kasutada järgmise tellimuse puhul.

Programm maksab automaatselt teie tellimuste eest Promo-kontol oleva summa eest.

Raha kantakse sooduskontole vastavalt lõppenud perioodi tulemustele ja seda hoitakse sooduskontol riigi vääringus (ettevõtte kursi alusel) ilma ajalise piiranguta, kuni teie konto on aktiivne.

The discount received as the difference between the price of the catalog and the price of the registered Buyer, when placing a “Customer Order”, is credited only to the Promo Account, and can be used to pay for personal orders, regardless of the existence of a cooperation agreement.


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