Kitchen. 小oncentrated dishwashing gel

Product code : 080101
Series: Kitchen
ml: 500
  • Perfectly cleans even stubborn dirt
  • Non irritating to the skin of the hands
  • Very economical to use
  • Safe for humans and the environment
Regular price: 8 拢 *
Your price:

5.9 拢

*Lowest price from 30 days before discount at (previous catalogue)
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What's special?

  • For hand dishwashing
  • Suitable for washing porcelain, ceramic, glass, crystal dishes, as well as pots and pans.
  • Safe, vegan product with an ecological formulation, all ingredients are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
  • Fast dissolving formula ensures perfect cleanliness of dishes even at low water temperatures.
  • Effortlessly removes food residues, grease/protein/starch stains, coffee and tea stains, giving dishes a radiant clean and shine.
  • Leaves no residue, streaks or deposits on dishes, easy to rinse off.
  • Effectively eliminates unpleasant odours.
  • Diluted product can be used for washing fruit and vegetables.
  • Thick gel-formula is very economical, only a couple of drops are needed to form a thick foam.
  • Not irritating to the skin of the hands.
  • Pump dispenser (090101) sold separately


  • Remove food waste from the dishes.
  • Dissolve 2.5-5 ml of the product in 5 litres of water, the amount of gel depends on the level of impurities.
  • Wash the dishes.
  • If the dishes are heavily dirtied, leave them in the solution for a while.
  • After washing, rinse the dishes thoroughly with water.


5-15% anionic surfactant, < 5% non-ionic surfactants, < 5% amphoteric surfactants, enzymes, parfum, preservative (benzisothiazolinone, laurylamine dipropylenediamine, sodium pyrithione)

Contains: Enzymes - biologically active substances that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates (starches). They deal with dirt even at low temperatures for dishwashing.

Does not contain: Phosphates, alcohols, paraben preservatives.

What's special?

  • For hand dishwashing
  • Suitable for washing porcelain, ceramic, glass, crystal dishes, as well as pots and pans.
  • Safe, vegan product with an ecological formulation, all ingredients are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
  • Fast dissolving formula ensures perfect cleanliness of dishes even at low water temperatures.
  • Effortlessly removes food residues, grease/protein/starch stains, coffee and tea stains, giving dishes a radiant clean and shine.
  • Leaves no residue, streaks or deposits on dishes, easy to rinse off.
  • Effectively eliminates unpleasant odours.
  • Diluted product can be used for washing fruit and vegetables.
  • Thick gel-formula is very economical, only a couple of drops are needed to form a thick foam.
  • Not irritating to the skin of the hands.
  • Pump dispenser (090101) sold separately


  • Remove food waste from the dishes.
  • Dissolve 2.5-5 ml of the product in 5 litres of water, the amount of gel depends on the level of impurities.
  • Wash the dishes.
  • If the dishes are heavily dirtied, leave them in the solution for a while.
  • After washing, rinse the dishes thoroughly with water.


5-15% anionic surfactant, < 5% non-ionic surfactants, < 5% amphoteric surfactants, enzymes, parfum, preservative (benzisothiazolinone, laurylamine dipropylenediamine, sodium pyrithione)

Contains: Enzymes - biologically active substances that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates (starches). They deal with dirt even at low temperatures for dishwashing.

Does not contain: Phosphates, alcohols, paraben preservatives.

Review (70)

Ce produit pour le lave vaisselle est topisime m锚me les restaurateurs me le r茅clame. Il ne laisse aucune trace sur la vaisselle m锚me gr芒ce et les verres ressortent comme neuf
Caroline Cherpion Caroline Cherpion
Foarte bun,concentrat 葯i sc芒r葲芒ie farfuria dup膬 ce o cl膬te葯te,recomand cu placere!
Aurelia Dobra
Mi贸ta megrendeltem,az贸ta t谩ncolva mosogatok馃ぉHig铆tva haszn谩lom 茅s 铆gy is nagyon sok谩ig el茅g,pedig 5 gyermek ut谩n van b艖ven mosogatnival贸....脡s m茅g forr贸 v铆z sem kell hozz谩,tiszta,cs铆kmentes minden ,茅s m茅g a kezem is puha marad ut谩na.Nekem nagyon bev谩lt馃槏
Zsuzsanna Brunner
Iesaku 拧o tie拧膩m 募oti labs perfekti visu nomazg膩,tie拧膩m.. 募oti maz vajag ..pat remdena 奴deni..
Ilona Kostova
Utilizzo con molto piacere questo gel per i piatti anche senza i guanti, perch茅 non irrita la pelle della mani e non li secca. Ottimo prodotto 馃憤
Floriana Rapisarda
Mega skoncentrowany. Konsystencja delikatnej galaretki. Wystarcza naprawd臋 na d艂ugo. 艢wietnie wszystko czy艣ci i 艂adnie pachnie
Malwina Rosiak
skoncentrowany 偶el do mycia naczy艅 to efektywne, wydajne i bardziej ekologiczne rozwi膮zanie, kt贸re jest lepszym wyborem ni偶 tradycyjne p艂yny do mycia naczy艅. Polecam jestem bardzo zadowolona z efektow
Marta Serafin
Odkamieniacz jest niezb臋dny w utrzymaniu urz膮dze艅 domowych w czysto艣ci i dobrym stanie technicznym. S艂u偶膮 do usuwania osad贸w z kamienia, kt贸re gromadz膮 si臋 w urz膮dzeniach u偶ywaj膮cych wody. Bardzo 艂atwy w u偶yciu u偶ywam go i jestem bardzo zadowolona z efekt贸w polecam
Marta Serafin
Bardzo wydajny, myje naczynia z t艂uszczu nawet w zimnej wodzie, 艂agodny dla r膮k. 10/10
Karolina Kami艅ska & Patrycjusz Kami艅ski
U偶ywam odk膮d za艂o偶y艂am konto w mihi ,bardzo 艂adnie domywa wszystko wystarczy ma艂a ilo艣膰 ,bardzo wydajny p艂yn.
Marta Szafran

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