Κλείσιμο καταλόγου: d. ::

Οικογενειακό συμβόλαιο

The Buyer may enter into a Family Contract with the company, which provides for the inclusion of the next of kin in the Buyer's existing registration number. The next of kin are spouses, parents, and adult children.

A family contract can be made from the Director level. Both participants of the Family Contract have the same rights and determine for themselves who will be the first and who will be the second holder of the number. The service agreement can be issued to any family contract holder. Replacement of participants (first and second) after the conclusion of the family contract is not performed.

The family contract can be terminated by mutual agreement of both holders of the number. At the same time, the structure is not divided between the participants in the “family contract”, the registration number is assigned to one of the relatives by agreement.

Το οικογενειακό συμβόλαιο συνάπτεται εάν ο συγγενής δεν είχε και δεν έχει εγγραφή στη δομή άλλου Μέντορα κατά τη στιγμή της εγγραφής του οικογενειακού συμβολαίου. Η εταιρεία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να ικανοποιήσει το αίτημα των συγγενών ή να το απορρίψει χωρίς να το αιτιολογήσει.



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